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Believe in "BELIEVE"

I think there were a few moments this year where it was far from certain that we would be able to gather in person to celebrate the Class of 2022. But even today as case numbers tick upward nationally, it’s a good reminder that the shared commitment and responsibility of our students that have defined ASMSA’s response to the pandemic are how we have made it to today.

Covid was – and to an extent continues to be – a tough time. But for all of the difficulties, heartaches, and frustrations - there were a few bright moments during the days of the pandemic. In our household, it came in the form of a fictional, mustachioed football coach from the Midwest.

If you’re unfamiliar with the Apple+ series Ted Lasso, Jason Sudeikis stars as the titular Coach Lasso. A successful college football coach - the series begins with Ted accepting a head coach position in London to coach a very different kind of professional football (a.k.a. soccer). While coaching athletics is something Ted excels at - he’s still entering a new and intimidating role.

While on his flight to the U.K. - he asks his assistant coach “Are we nuts for doing this?” To which the assistant coach responds, “Yes. This is nuts.”

Ted pauses and shares the first of many nuggets of folksy wisdom: “Taking on a challenge is a lot like riding a horse, isn't it? If you're comfortable while you're doing it, you’re probably doing it wrong.”

For our graduates today, this narrative may sound vaguely familiar. After all, much like Ted Lasso, you had already experienced success at your school. But you were offered an opportunity to leave home and take on a very new and very different challenge. You may have at one point wondered, “Am I nuts for doing this?” You then most likely later decided, “Yes. This is nuts.”

ASMSA was designed to be a challenge - not just academically, but personally and socially as well. Leaving home at 15 or 16 to move on campus, study and live with different people, and take courses designed for college students – that’s incredibly challenging. And at times very frustrating, stressful, exhausting, and well – uncomfortable.

For our graduates, you have done something remarkable. When faced with all the challenges that were presented to you, you persevered. You pushed through late nights, big ideas, and tough projects. You are now a little older, a little wiser, and a bit better prepared for the world ahead. Graduates, your grades are not the true accomplishments being celebrated today. We’ve all gathered to honor your resilience, curiosity, passion, dedication, character, and tenacity.

Coach Ted Lasso has a sign in his locker room that simply reads, “BELIEVE.” As you move from student to graduate to alumni, know that all of us – your friends, family, teachers, and staff – believe in you. We believe in your bright future filled with new and hopefully less uncomfortable challenges.

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